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Security Concepts: General Security Concepts

The main focus of Security was on Prevention, however since there are many ways to exploit a certain system a formula has been made for Protection.

Protection = Prevention + (Detection + Response)

Prevention - Access Controls, Firewalls, Encryption
Detection - Audit logs, Intrusion Detection System, Honeypots
Response - Backups, Incident Response Team, Computer forensics
(Detection + Response) - alert when prevention fails to provide ways to address the problem

This formula is also known for "Operation Model of Computer Security" since every security technique and technology falls to either one of these three elements in the equation.

Three ways an organization handles Protection is by first ignoring security issues which leaves everything by default; merely just because it's easier to set things up - leaving the organization very vulnerable. Secondly they handle it by providing "Host Security" - security for each devices like installing anti-virus programs and configuring firewall settings per device. Lastly, they approach security at a network level - controlling access to internal devices from external entities.


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